
Showing posts from 2022

Era is Over: An End to Digitizing Media at YWAM Tyler and The Winkie Pratney Revival Library

After several years of collecting and organizing Winkie Pratney Tapes and YWAM Tyler tapes the leadership of the host organization, Youth With A Mission Tyler, has taken the decision to turn the room I was using for digitizing into what is apparently now a sitting and reading room. Not my priorities but apparently that’s where their values are.  I wish them the best.  The time volunteering has laid a good foundation for me into understanding many of the technical challenges that go into mass tape digitization for ministry type recordings: preaching, teaching, meeting audio tapes.  Digitized well over 1,000 tape sides and encountered many issues along the way. If anyone reading has any questions about their own tapes, about YWAM tape archives or anything I've presented here, feel free to reach me